Tuesday 14 February 2017

Valentine Letting Agent

Valentine’s Day. It is that time of year again. It got me thinking about what I perceive to be the role of the letting agent. We are not plastic individuals without heart. Behind the bravado and shiny suits we care about people and we care about service. In a work sense we exist with the purpose of matching people with property.


You could say we are a Dating Agency for Landlords and Tenants.

A Dating Agency can cook up a match made in 'heaven' or a match made in 'hell'. They can get it right and they can get it oh so very wrong! Letting Agents are little different. Some have the speed dating approach – a couple of quick questions, exchange details and 'wham bam' the next thing you hear the tenant is in the property without as much as a 'how do you do'. In doing so the agent fails to interview the prospective match and they miss the most critical and obvious information.  Hardly the sort of approach that will ensure an enduring relationship.
Call us old fashioned but we are always looking for marriage material.

We vet tenants thoroughly before they even attend a viewing let alone are considered for the property. Often we ask for a biography of the tenant and a series of photographs of how they live. It gives the best indication of how they are likely to live in your property.

All good agents should know their clients. We do. Sadly we currently have too many tenants and not enough properties. It reminds me of all those parties when I was younger – plenty of lads, bit too few girls

If you have property and are looking for a soul mate for it, then please let us know........





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